Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Why do most food supplements for people not to stay healthy

They are aware of an intelligent health that he adds in the importance of using health to think about supporting the prevention of disease in human health, and you can be healthy if you're older.

Be sure to choose the brand of supplement you!

Because health supplements almost all men are far from what they contain and in their promise not to optimize your health and protect against degenerative diseases.

That is because they are manufactured with an award for companies that make supplements may not include what should be there. Instead, we compare the cheapest ingredients fully.

What should be in a vitamin supplement?

Well, first you know that vitamins and minerals should be there. However, as they most obvious ingredients, and are cheaper, I will discuss below.

The most advanced science, bio-formulated nutritional supplement with optimal levels of certain nutrients, and gender-specific management and protection against common health problems that men too often.

Some of the ingredients must always important as we get older because your body naturally produces less of them (such as L-glutathione) and for others it is just difficult enough to get them from your diet at any age.

Some plant extracts are powerful, so-called phytochemicals, and other herbal extracts (which are not obtained through the diet at all!)

It is therefore important that you have a professional quality, wide range, gender-specific dietary supplement that contains all these nutrients. (Many of which are listed on this page.)

And that's the main difference between the bulk of the market full of energy and other allowances.

As I mentioned above, health supplements, most men are largely ineffective and do not meet the demands of their respective owners.

This is because it breaks a lot and not included in many cases none of these critical nutrients other disease.

What should SUPERSTAR NUTRIENTS do able?

When it comes to vitamins for men, there are three major concerns that need to be addressed in a comprehensive manner:

• enlargement of the prostate (BPH)

• Prostate Cancer

• breasts

If your breasts!

Your testosterone level is gradually reduced once you reach your twenties.

Some men begin to treat the symptoms of this notice in their thirties, while others may not be that there is a decrease, in his 50th This is a very special situation.

Therefore, less testosterone is produced, and a substantial part of it is negative estrogen with mixed results.

Too much estrogen plays havoc with your sex life, as it has done too little testosterone!

With increasing levels of estrogen, man boobs start ("aka Man Boobs") to develop and suffer under diminished masculinity.

In fact, most men of fifty years have higher levels of estrogen in their bodies than their partners, because this phenomenon!

So, as you are to keep a healthy level of testosterone:

First To reduce the amount that is converted into estrogen,

Second To stimulate the body to increase its own production of testosterone

Chrysin INTRODUCTION - The first star ingredient for effective health supplements MAN!

Chrysin is an inhibitor of aromatase and natural bioflavonoids.

This means that the conversion of testosterone helps.

Vitamins for men should include in their formulas, chrysin, and it is important to remember to check the performance. Small forces are ineffective and a waste of money.

Chrysin research or above 90% power.

THIS SUPER SUPPLEMENTS our listing on nutrients?

Experienced together due to prostate problems by serious men, and a powerful protection from prostate team have in their care.

I'm sure you already know that prostate problems are a serious problem for men.

Did you know that before his 59th Birthday, 1 in 2 men will PBH (enlarged prostate) experience. Just consider these statistics for a moment! Every second! O 50%!

And prostate cancer is very frightening because it is one of the deadliest diseases in men and the success rate of conventional medicine cures estimated at only 20 to 30% (with many negative side effects of pharmaceutical drugs).

Therefore, they are the best nutrients to protect your prostate?

Let's start with zinc!

Find all zinc supplements for MEN'S HEALTH, but almost always as zinc citrate.

Zinc citrate is a nutrient helpful, but to be absolutely necessary, there is a generous dose of zinc aspartate.

This supplement users do not (and cannot be expected to know) is that these two different biological forms of zinc of various metabolic pathways and zinc aspartate alone, is necessary to directly to the prostate, where it will follow!

There are several other nutrients clinically established to be effective for good health of the prostate:

• Beta-sitosterol

• Extracts of corn silk

• Lycopene

• Saw Palmetto

• Resveratrol (trans form)

• Quercetin

In order to maintain protection for the prostate and the powerful practice of health care for prostate cancer and other unpleasant complications is necessary in a multi-ingredient supplement that contains all these ingredients. Not one, not two, which is the norm.

FACTS vitamins and minerals

The first thing to understand when it comes to vitamins and minerals it is that "more is not better." Apply this slogan rather than daily consumption of fresh vegetables, raw fruits.

I have evaluated hundreds of supplements and I can say that most of them responsible for many of the largest amounts of vitamins and minerals under the guise of "optimal amounts" are.

Yes, you need a supplement to provide a full range of all the vitamins and minerals other than iron is a pro-oxidant.

But still you do not need a full complement of high doses of vitamins and minerals!

Many of the best vitamin supplements are about 70 calls - 80% of the vitamins and minerals together Flights

For this, the most famous high-end products are expensive with price tags.

Unable to force manufacturers to pay him to be grossly inflated prices of cheap ingredients!

Vitamins are the cheapest ingredients for supplement manufacturers to be included.

The good old vitamin C (ascorbic acid) costs about $ 15 a kilo!

Manufacturers like 500 mg and 1000 mg or more vitamin C in a supplement to save, avoiding the main ingredients, such as some secondary plant compounds, which cost about $ 1,000 USD per kilo.

I know several well-known large dietary supplements for men in the U.S., where 40% or more of their formulas are just vitamin C!

If you're one of those that you mention a very low value for the price not on the health benefits far less.

The media were used to bomb the United States and anxiety for years with the message of "more is better" and to promote the return that high doses of certain vitamins and minerals needed for good health.

Supplement manufacturers are not easy to forget the danger that comes (stored mainly in muscle and are dangerous in the long run) by eating too much of certain fat-soluble vitamins mentioned.

Vitamins and excess water ends up in the toilet!

To view statistical tables that show deficiencies in certain vitamins, for a large percentage of the population.

I do not believe for a second, that the health-conscious men who exercise regularly and use are high-quality nutritional supplements for men among the demographics that appear in the statistics, to believe.

These statistics are mainly low wages, a diet rich in low (foods high in saturated fats / fast or processed foods and low in fiber and micronutrients) consume and cannot afford or additions are not interested in their midst.

Vitamins and minerals must be there to help with lower doses primarily as cofactors for other essential ingredients and a little bit of what you're away from your diet. If a deficiency is diagnosed, then you can add in extra time.

The health-conscious man like you, and adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals, but not enough.

What would you do in your supplement?

Requires a wide range of ingredients efficious of all different types of nutrients. This allows maximum protection against pollution and toxins from the environment of life, especially the increased levels of free radicals to enjoy.

• Phytonutrients

• Extracts from medicinal plants

• Antioxidants

• Amino Acids

• Enzymes

• The cofactors

• Trace elements

• Accommodation and nutrients / li>

• Immunity Enhancers

Remember to compare supplements only clearly classify the ingredients in this type of security. I would be like comparing apples to apples.

Make sure the power settings and metering quantities of the ingredients are listed and all. If not, ask yourself "why" is not important, information is collected?

If the powers and the dosages are good, then the manufacturer will be absolutely sure you know about this.

Beware of companies that hide behind information on the ingredients of "ownership" of the header information. This always raises a red flag for me.

One of the most important ingredients are the improvement of immunity.

This is because good health starts with a strong immune system is your first line of defense against cancer and other deadly diseases.

The men most effective nutritional supplements for health contains the nutrients most powerful immunity (and proven).

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