Friday, February 10, 2012

Super Multi Vitamin Supplements - How good are they

You probably use a so-called super-supplement market as you read this article!

If this is the case, then I guess you know that vitamin supplements are the most multi-ingredient is simply a waste of money.

Contract with less expensive and sometimes unnecessary components from a very low quality!

They are people who have done nothing about nutrition, food science and health!

Unfortunately, the rules for the manufacture of food supplements, which have allowed this to happen for years. Even the most recent issue (June 2007) Dietary supplements (GMP) does not prevent a company from a bad load.

Therefore, if you're a super-additions: -

Congratulations and bravo!

This handful of leading multi-ingredient health supplements (also known as vitamin supplements known) are an elite group made a real science of nutrition, and most will sell through the promotion of the company and the product is available with the best materials and sure, many ingredients are not added in the "run-of-the-mill".

These supplements are very cheap and are known to use only for health-conscious consumers to support your health and longevity.

But these elite supplements at all?

Of course not!

Some are better than others, even at this level.

For Sale companies that supplements generally super very large companies with huge capital have, are able to put together presentations brilliantly clever marketing twist to hide the truth, the weaknesses of their products, and finally present it as being much better than they really are.

Of course, they are still much better than the average amount of supplements on the market, not to mention cheap supermarket multivitamins, but you spend real money on these supplements, and you know you're an investment in your health you have the right to know, How much value for the money they receive and, if done with the best match for your budget supplement!

So the time has come to recognize how its complement, which is very nice!

• Are all the claims to be?

• has been absorbed and deceived by false advertising?

• Are you wasting your money?

• ability to be a better value for money will supplement?


What are the key ingredients that should not be left in the dietary supplement?

That is the question that most users would supplement like to know!

There are too many to list here, so I'll give you the names of the cheapest, the main ingredients are the first to hunt during the testing of different supplements for healthy ingredients.

And this is the first step to determine the size and additions in comparison!

This is because most of the ingredients, the name I want - even in the super-supplements.

That's because almost all dietary supplements with a price for what scientists and the chemical formulation of them have no clear way when you are all important components are manufactured, they know they have to be there.

And if they are entitled to some or to use only a few are required, (ie less absorption include the bioavailability of known and potential) smaller force, the dosage amounts and often cheaper biological forms.

Here is a list of eight key ingredients is absolutely very effective (and expensive) - required for an indictment, in the race as a supplement Super Real.

• L-glutathione ("reduced" form ONLY)

• L-Carnosine

• Bilberry (not less than 25% capacity)

• The polysaccharides

• Resveratrol (ONLY way "Trans," High-Power = 50%)

• Turmeric (high power = 95%)

• Zeaxanthin

• Tocotrienols (search for "Tocomin the word)

• Chrysin (For men, the formula - not less than 95% capacity)

Now come, we come to herbal extracts.

These are powerful destroyers of the disease and also play a preventive role in protecting against the development of degenerative diseases.

The super supplement my family and I have more than two handfuls of herbs and clinically proven effective.

Dietary supplements and herbs: To discover the names of the most effective medicinal herbs on this link

Now what about the immunity of the strongest activators are available: polysaccharides?

Must be because of several nutrients and immunity of the other (such as beta-glucans, black cumin, olive leaf extract, quercetin, zinc, manganese be-carotene, beta supports, and vitamins C and E).

Super supplements need a full spectrum formula with ingredients from all categories of nutrients. So in addition to what mentioned above that we want:

• Amino Acids

• Enzymes standardized

• The most important nutrients to support gender

• Vitamins, minerals and cofactors, of course,

• Hazardous waste and other nutrients

To effectively with all organs and body parts systems, a large number of components that are needed, but needs the addition to be accessible. My serve has more than 80 ingredients and sells for around $ 38 - no more expensive than any other market leaders (with a much lower power of the ingredients and dosage amounts)

Which is GREAT food supplements?

You probably already know that, 95% of all vitamin supplements in the United States produced manufactured by contract manufacturers.

This is not what you want!

Supplement manufacturers quality is not only independent of the test depends on the raw materials are that the certificate of analysis (COA), which states: (Note: Many manufacturers do not care care to verify compliance with the ACO, so that they reduce costs), but also for (expensive) professional manufacturing processes, which includes the addition of the final amount of the correct dosage to ensure that each ingredient.

The incentive is not only there to do for most contract manufacturers, this is because they produce for the third and so much to offer competitive.

Whenever I am invited to look at is one thing, first amendment, which I do, find out who the manufacturer of it.

What I see is that the company selling the contract and the manufacturer and controls all aspects of the manufacturing process.

EXTRA SUPER Super Safety protocols requires

With all the negative reports that appear periodically, adding that you are probably aware that contaminated ingredients find their way into the supplements too often!

There are not too disreputable supplements manufacturers out there taking all kinds of shortcuts to reduce production costs and increase profits.

It is therefore very important to focus on measures of quality of a company that you are interested to supplement with a check.

Send to explore the company's Web site first and if you can not find a detailed explanation of its quality assurance program, and ask.

Otherwise, you play with your health and what you do not know very well about the surcharge hurt!

Contaminated ingredients may be toxic and even the doses are small, can be stored in the body and extending over years in some cases. 20 years later, the effects can be obvious!

WHAT IF THE MANUFACTURER OF THE SUPPLEMENT see any toxic constituents of an ingredient?

Did you know that most of the components of a bad ingredient can affect neurochemistry of the brain?

That's how things could be serious!

Regulation of dietary supplements, which I have mentioned above it is the unskilled and inexperienced to create and produce a poor quality health supplements that can definitely hurt!

I doubt that people know things like:

X Peak, a popular ingredient part of the supplement 5-HTP has been involved in an outbreak of eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome is a few years ago!

They know to check it and if you really do go to extra costs?

Or what about the Ginkgo biloba! A very popular herbal extract supplements.

The manufacturers know how to verify and / or influence have a limit on the level of ginkgo acids, the neurochemistry of the brain?

See what I mean?

Have a safe and professional quality super supplements is a very special skill that has many complex tasks. It must be made of one. Highly qualified scientific and bio-chemical (and certainly not by doctors or marketing) and manufactured by the company itself the state of the art methods and devices added

Can you see the vital need to check on the company, the dietary supplement, health care supplements sold?

SUPER HIGH VALUE supplements give you money?

Some others do not!

It depends on what you want from a food supplement and then know what to look for and what questions to ask!

Super-original accessories have to be very efficient and be able to prevent, treat and even reverse chronic disease and health and welfare maximizing.

In other words, not great additions to help more than just a "routine nutritional insurance poor diet, most people think, is that to act is the reason why the ingestion of food supplements for several vitamins ingredients.

So if what you want from a supplement, you need a formula that must not rely primarily on vitamins and minerals!

Rather, it should specialize in the first line of high-power phytochemicals, antioxidants (vitamins beyond the well-known), amino acids, supporting the gender-specific nutrients, plant extracts and other nutrients are made to specific organs and body systems.

If you want to evaluate the value of the cash component of a particular supplement, the first thing I do check, is what percentage, vitamins and minerals.

So many extras, including some of the self are rich in vitamin C supplements as a super! This is because it is one of the cheapest ingredients available (about $ 15 per kilo) are passed.

The manufacturers argue that, with all sorts of "evidence" that large amounts of vitamin C are required, under the motto "optimal." No mention, of course, that if more than 400 mg of vitamin C is taken to convert a pro-oxidant in the body!

This is the opposite of an antioxidant (and he speaks primarily for antioxidant benefits)!

I know that several major ingredients of the multivitamin market, whose formula is a whopping 40% only in vitamin C. And if you all the vitamins and minerals you need, add a total of between 70-80% of the formula!

There is very little value for money!

If you are a leading supplement ideal for vitamins and minerals that it cannot have enough in your diet to take, so why pay extra for super?

There are lots of multivitamin quality at prices much lower.

My supplements are vitamins and minerals only 14%, but dosage levels are sensitive to complement the majority of users.

To see more

So we are only five main details you need to check to see if you really use a great addition to the left!

But there are four other equally important details that are part of the formula to the actual quality should be valued additions.

Knowing what you just follow the link in the information about the author.

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