Friday, February 10, 2012

Super Multi Vitamin Supplements - How good are they

You probably use a so-called super-supplement market as you read this article!

If this is the case, then I guess you know that vitamin supplements are the most multi-ingredient is simply a waste of money.

Contract with less expensive and sometimes unnecessary components from a very low quality!

They are people who have done nothing about nutrition, food science and health!

Unfortunately, the rules for the manufacture of food supplements, which have allowed this to happen for years. Even the most recent issue (June 2007) Dietary supplements (GMP) does not prevent a company from a bad load.

Therefore, if you're a super-additions: -

Congratulations and bravo!

This handful of leading multi-ingredient health supplements (also known as vitamin supplements known) are an elite group made a real science of nutrition, and most will sell through the promotion of the company and the product is available with the best materials and sure, many ingredients are not added in the "run-of-the-mill".

These supplements are very cheap and are known to use only for health-conscious consumers to support your health and longevity.

But these elite supplements at all?

Of course not!

Some are better than others, even at this level.

For Sale companies that supplements generally super very large companies with huge capital have, are able to put together presentations brilliantly clever marketing twist to hide the truth, the weaknesses of their products, and finally present it as being much better than they really are.

Of course, they are still much better than the average amount of supplements on the market, not to mention cheap supermarket multivitamins, but you spend real money on these supplements, and you know you're an investment in your health you have the right to know, How much value for the money they receive and, if done with the best match for your budget supplement!

So the time has come to recognize how its complement, which is very nice!

• Are all the claims to be?

• has been absorbed and deceived by false advertising?

• Are you wasting your money?

• ability to be a better value for money will supplement?


What are the key ingredients that should not be left in the dietary supplement?

That is the question that most users would supplement like to know!

There are too many to list here, so I'll give you the names of the cheapest, the main ingredients are the first to hunt during the testing of different supplements for healthy ingredients.

And this is the first step to determine the size and additions in comparison!

This is because most of the ingredients, the name I want - even in the super-supplements.

That's because almost all dietary supplements with a price for what scientists and the chemical formulation of them have no clear way when you are all important components are manufactured, they know they have to be there.

And if they are entitled to some or to use only a few are required, (ie less absorption include the bioavailability of known and potential) smaller force, the dosage amounts and often cheaper biological forms.

Here is a list of eight key ingredients is absolutely very effective (and expensive) - required for an indictment, in the race as a supplement Super Real.

• L-glutathione ("reduced" form ONLY)

• L-Carnosine

• Bilberry (not less than 25% capacity)

• The polysaccharides

• Resveratrol (ONLY way "Trans," High-Power = 50%)

• Turmeric (high power = 95%)

• Zeaxanthin

• Tocotrienols (search for "Tocomin the word)

• Chrysin (For men, the formula - not less than 95% capacity)

Now come, we come to herbal extracts.

These are powerful destroyers of the disease and also play a preventive role in protecting against the development of degenerative diseases.

The super supplement my family and I have more than two handfuls of herbs and clinically proven effective.

Dietary supplements and herbs: To discover the names of the most effective medicinal herbs on this link

Now what about the immunity of the strongest activators are available: polysaccharides?

Must be because of several nutrients and immunity of the other (such as beta-glucans, black cumin, olive leaf extract, quercetin, zinc, manganese be-carotene, beta supports, and vitamins C and E).

Super supplements need a full spectrum formula with ingredients from all categories of nutrients. So in addition to what mentioned above that we want:

• Amino Acids

• Enzymes standardized

• The most important nutrients to support gender

• Vitamins, minerals and cofactors, of course,

• Hazardous waste and other nutrients

To effectively with all organs and body parts systems, a large number of components that are needed, but needs the addition to be accessible. My serve has more than 80 ingredients and sells for around $ 38 - no more expensive than any other market leaders (with a much lower power of the ingredients and dosage amounts)

Which is GREAT food supplements?

You probably already know that, 95% of all vitamin supplements in the United States produced manufactured by contract manufacturers.

This is not what you want!

Supplement manufacturers quality is not only independent of the test depends on the raw materials are that the certificate of analysis (COA), which states: (Note: Many manufacturers do not care care to verify compliance with the ACO, so that they reduce costs), but also for (expensive) professional manufacturing processes, which includes the addition of the final amount of the correct dosage to ensure that each ingredient.

The incentive is not only there to do for most contract manufacturers, this is because they produce for the third and so much to offer competitive.

Whenever I am invited to look at is one thing, first amendment, which I do, find out who the manufacturer of it.

What I see is that the company selling the contract and the manufacturer and controls all aspects of the manufacturing process.

EXTRA SUPER Super Safety protocols requires

With all the negative reports that appear periodically, adding that you are probably aware that contaminated ingredients find their way into the supplements too often!

There are not too disreputable supplements manufacturers out there taking all kinds of shortcuts to reduce production costs and increase profits.

It is therefore very important to focus on measures of quality of a company that you are interested to supplement with a check.

Send to explore the company's Web site first and if you can not find a detailed explanation of its quality assurance program, and ask.

Otherwise, you play with your health and what you do not know very well about the surcharge hurt!

Contaminated ingredients may be toxic and even the doses are small, can be stored in the body and extending over years in some cases. 20 years later, the effects can be obvious!

WHAT IF THE MANUFACTURER OF THE SUPPLEMENT see any toxic constituents of an ingredient?

Did you know that most of the components of a bad ingredient can affect neurochemistry of the brain?

That's how things could be serious!

Regulation of dietary supplements, which I have mentioned above it is the unskilled and inexperienced to create and produce a poor quality health supplements that can definitely hurt!

I doubt that people know things like:

X Peak, a popular ingredient part of the supplement 5-HTP has been involved in an outbreak of eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome is a few years ago!

They know to check it and if you really do go to extra costs?

Or what about the Ginkgo biloba! A very popular herbal extract supplements.

The manufacturers know how to verify and / or influence have a limit on the level of ginkgo acids, the neurochemistry of the brain?

See what I mean?

Have a safe and professional quality super supplements is a very special skill that has many complex tasks. It must be made of one. Highly qualified scientific and bio-chemical (and certainly not by doctors or marketing) and manufactured by the company itself the state of the art methods and devices added

Can you see the vital need to check on the company, the dietary supplement, health care supplements sold?

SUPER HIGH VALUE supplements give you money?

Some others do not!

It depends on what you want from a food supplement and then know what to look for and what questions to ask!

Super-original accessories have to be very efficient and be able to prevent, treat and even reverse chronic disease and health and welfare maximizing.

In other words, not great additions to help more than just a "routine nutritional insurance poor diet, most people think, is that to act is the reason why the ingestion of food supplements for several vitamins ingredients.

So if what you want from a supplement, you need a formula that must not rely primarily on vitamins and minerals!

Rather, it should specialize in the first line of high-power phytochemicals, antioxidants (vitamins beyond the well-known), amino acids, supporting the gender-specific nutrients, plant extracts and other nutrients are made to specific organs and body systems.

If you want to evaluate the value of the cash component of a particular supplement, the first thing I do check, is what percentage, vitamins and minerals.

So many extras, including some of the self are rich in vitamin C supplements as a super! This is because it is one of the cheapest ingredients available (about $ 15 per kilo) are passed.

The manufacturers argue that, with all sorts of "evidence" that large amounts of vitamin C are required, under the motto "optimal." No mention, of course, that if more than 400 mg of vitamin C is taken to convert a pro-oxidant in the body!

This is the opposite of an antioxidant (and he speaks primarily for antioxidant benefits)!

I know that several major ingredients of the multivitamin market, whose formula is a whopping 40% only in vitamin C. And if you all the vitamins and minerals you need, add a total of between 70-80% of the formula!

There is very little value for money!

If you are a leading supplement ideal for vitamins and minerals that it cannot have enough in your diet to take, so why pay extra for super?

There are lots of multivitamin quality at prices much lower.

My supplements are vitamins and minerals only 14%, but dosage levels are sensitive to complement the majority of users.

To see more

So we are only five main details you need to check to see if you really use a great addition to the left!

But there are four other equally important details that are part of the formula to the actual quality should be valued additions.

Knowing what you just follow the link in the information about the author.

Whole food supplements

Alternative to conventional synthetic additives is needed, experts say

Whole food supplements is currently a hot topic worldwide. A wealth of evidence has recently highlighted suggesting that common synthetic multivitamin supplements can be hazardous to your health. Goran Bjelakovic, a respected professor at the University of Copenhagen, conducted a large meta-study, carried out the results of 67 placebo-controlled trials, before the effects of vitamins and antioxidants analyzed to determine the longevity. Finally, the study observations of 232 000 subjects will be tested in combination. Using a sample of large population, a study may become relatively more to the detection of large-scale trends and overcome the prejudices of the people.

The results of the analysis, which was published in the Journal of American Medical Association, were just incredible. As for patients with diabetes, heart disease and lung cancer, as well as normal healthy people, there is no obvious benefit to supplement popular fractionated as vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C, selenium or beta-carotene. In fact, the results in the opposite direction - there was a greater likelihood of death (16 percent) among users of vitamin A, a mortality rate below 7 percent among users of beta-carotene and an increase of 4 percent mortality of the users of vitamin E. Beta-carotene and retinol, are promoted as anti-cancer agents, may promote lung cancer. It's true - the pills on the market by connected to a long and healthy life, in fact, to a faster death. This study used supplements on the market typical of synthetic vitamins.

To make matters worse, a recent study in the British Journal of Nutrition, published under the title of the imagination, "Ascorbic acid supplementation does not reduce muscle soreness after exercise After exercise muscle damage, but may delay the recovery process," said the Anti-oxidant supplementation with synthetic sources can make a lot of positive effects of physical training canceled.

Now this does not mean that antioxidants or vitamins are bad for you. Far from it - these supplements have been created based on sound science. Antioxidants are believed to still protect the cells from the devastating effects of free radicals. The problem is rather the idea that you get the benefits of synthetic compounds isolated. Disease and aging are usually much more complicated than can be explained by studies test tubes. Moreover, the question of bioavailability is a ubiquitous problem. Many synthetic additives usually include large amounts of vitamin announced, but no additional components needed to ensure that their ingredients are actually absorbed by the body. Directly through the digestive tract, these "miracle health often takes a little more expensive than the human urine. To rescue ... whole food supplements.

What the layman should all this is not a feeling that we made progress in the last century by the discovery of appropriate means of personal health. A person who has something, and what is the importance of a healthy balanced diet and plenty of fruit, orange, yellow and green leafy vegetables, whole grains, legumes, seeds, nuts, carbohydrates and high-quality nutritional supplements lean protein and whole food supplements. . Avoiding the acceptance of harmful chemicals such as preservatives, artificial flavors, flavor enhancers and additives, synthetic vitamins ", you not only reduce the consumption of toxins. Also forced to use the most reliable source of available food diet is natural. People have developed to unprocessed to consume plant and animal food sources. Recent research suggests that the superiority of natural relationships and formulations has been massively underestimated.

Whole food supplements are foods that have not been processed or refined, or have been prosecuted, as little as possible for conservation or for human consumption. As in the case of organic foods, nutritional supplements, to avoid calling all supported agriculture chemical. The concept is part of a minimization of human intervention in natural processes. This is based on the principle that the products of natural products are healthier, the products of human industry.

Although this is a credit to the strength of fine food and pharmaceuticals industry is a lot that is continually being confirmed by the results of the investigation. A study of women went from a diet high in processed foods full of whole foods and whole food supplements led to a 61% decrease in consumption of saturated fats. Dietary fiber also increased by 60 percent, an increase of 45 percent vitamin E, which increased to an improvement of 60 percent of the consumption of vitamin C, and a fivefold increase in the consumption of carotene. The result of this new diet rich in phytochemicals was induced by a decrease in total cholesterol by 13 percent - which means a lower risk for heart disease and stroke, according to statistics remain major causes of death people in first world countries. In the short term, but also major improvements in bowel function and perceived health is generally seen. Obviously all supplements are better than typical synthetic additives.

The message seems to be quite clear. Eat a diet that is mainly made of whole foods and whole food supplements, and it is a shoe-in for a long life and a more important sound old, old. Sounds simple, but there is a problem with this approach, at least in our age of constant industry and on weekdays 9-5. More and more people in developed countries seek to with the Clock. Although the work-induced stress makes the terrible challenge disciplinary regime, so spend some free time shopping, you can have as your own special type of waste seem. Unlike processed foods, whole foods, not very easy to store, what they eat, it means according to this plan, you must visit a farmers market and buy fresh food every day. This is where well-meaning, they do not often eat on the way to better health and a trimmer waist give you the trend of a lifetime of yo-yo dieting.

In addition, many foods are not even in some countries. Recommend living in South Africa to eat kale and could also inform the beneficial effects of weightlessness.

Determined to find your way through these obstacles, a simple maintenance of health, scientists have worked in a way that may seem at first sight somewhat contradictory. The goal of the pharmaceutical supplementation has always been to maintain or improve the nutritional efficiency of Whole Foods in tablet and powder form. Through a rigorous process of trial and error, it was discovered that that form of vegetables, herbs and curing other sources of nutrients to powder and dust in tablet or capsule form to grind, it was possible to retain much of its nutritional value. This applies only to whole food supplements that have been tried with little heat or not. And so, apparently, we can finally enjoy a healthy diet simply by skipping a few pills. The advantage is the most common food in combinations of nutrient sources (and amounts) is selected, designed to complement each other and help each other, the more complete absorption of ingredients supportive. By crushing, drying brings the incredible, you can also consume a lot more of these nutrients and avoids the need to sometimes desirable to fill, with the green face.

The effect of the whole food supplements is very convenient as opposed to artificial supplements such as multivitamins. The ratio of the total dietary supplements are easy at the top: The body recognizes the proportions of nutrients in whole foods and processes much more easily than additions, which recognizes nutrients.The of single or fractionated whole body dietary supplements, such as are food and able to metabolize and use them effectively.

The best idea, experts say, when it comes to determine their needs, all dietary supplements is to determine the availability of food, as you can and want to eat constantly, and then fill in the gaps from there. A general list of the most highly recommended vegetables in relation to anti-aging benefits and health, kale, chard, spinach, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, red and green peppers, which include garlic, onions, potatoes, tomatoes, peas, asparagus and carrots. To assess at Rutgers University, New Jersey, Food and Food Research led by Professor Paul A. Lachance, a study in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition published, to 29 popular fruits, and is ranked in descending order of value to the benefits that they give. His top ten as follows: kiwi, papaya, melon, strawberry, mango, lemon, orange, black currant, orange, tangerine and avocado. To be effective, these foods should be eaten raw.

In view of the complete other side of the list when it comes to choosing the right whole food supplements for your purposes, you probably want a lot of the same things that you might have seen the artificial additives in the past, the connection between the promotion of health joints, brain health, immunity and so on, through the use of antioxidants such as resveratrol, beta-carotene and other vitamins and amino acids. The difference can not in the list of ingredients, but rather in how the ingredients come from - from the common (and some not so common) plants, vegetables, fruits and herbs. This is the natural form of dietary supplements of all sources of nutrients for their business.

Which supplements should I take?

If you eat nutrients as a barometer for what and how much, or instructions to determine what nutritional supplements you need whole, is to determine its presence or absence of probably the best way to evaluate a system. Here are some vital nutrients most people should consider supplementing their diet - human units are usually in short supply, and those that provide the greatest benefit. These include foods to which nutrients are found.


Antioxidant supplementation is clearly wanted their promised effects of protection against disease, cellular disruption, cancer and aging. One study found, USDA 2004, the best dietary sources of antioxidants. Published in peer-reviewed journal of the American Chemical Society, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, the study showed that foods such as beans and artichokes in a place rich in antioxidants have the food hierarchy. The study also showed the benefits of pecans, cinnamon and strength of russet potatoes.


The B vitamins play an important role in cell metabolism. Once, as a single vitamin, were later discovered by a group of chemically distinct vitamins that often coexist in certain foods. Dietary supplements containing the list of B-vitamins are known as the eight vitamin B-complex vitamins help maintain muscle and the skin, promotes cell growth, especially red blood cells, and provides protection against anemia. Sustain and increase the metabolic rate, which may help also means a healthy weight. It is noteworthy that the reduction in the risk of pancreatic cancer, but only when consumed as a foodstuff and not as a tablet fractional synthesis rate. Most B-vitamins should be consumed daily, there is a surplus rapidly excreted in the urine. Good sources include potatoes, bananas, lentils, peppers Chile, brewer's yeast, whole food supplements, molasses, tuna, liver and beef cattle. Since vitamin B12 can not be manufactured from vegetable sources, is deficient in this nutrient of special interest to vegetarians, they should get it by eating food supplements or fortified breakfast cereals, to prevent potential negative consequences on health. For more omnivores among us, are good sources of fish, meat, poultry and eggs.


A famous member of a family of antioxidants, beta-carotene is only mentioned, in particular for their help in the absorption of vitamin A. It is the stuff of orange carrots, and contributes to the accumulation of epidermal retinol, responsible for protecting the skin from sun damage. There is plenty of crude palm oil and Vietnam Gac, to have the highest content of beta-carotene of any fruit or vegetables. These are unfortunately often for clarity prior to the sale, a process that eliminates all carotenoids filtered. Other sources include papaya, mango, carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, kale and sweet potato leaves and quality whole food supplements.


It is the fifth most abundant element in Earth's crust, but that does not, not calcium intake of consciousness should be a concern for all who want to live to a ripe old age to be robust, healthier. Calcium is important for many cellular processes is essential. "Calcium is an important role in building stronger, denser bones early in life plays and maintaining strong bones later in life," says the National Osteoporosis Foundation, and is a recommendation that was nailed to us by the media to the point of common sense and seep in popular culture. A prolonged calcium deficiency leads to rickets, poor blood clotting and increased risk of fractures.

The best known sources of calcium are dairy products. Unfortunately, lactose intolerance is far from a rare disease, and many other diseases and personal philosophies (such as veganism), some people keep from eating dairy products. Fortunately, there are many plant sources rich in calcium, such as nuts, seeds, seaweed, oranges, figs, beans, broccoli and fortified products like soy milk. A little known source of calcium shell is constant. For more information on the calcium content of foods, visit the USDA National Nutrient Database online. The best way to consume, your body recognizes as food all the calcium supplements must be taken.


It plays a crucial role in the regulation of neuromuscular activity, especially the heart. Helps maintain blood pressure, muscle tone and healthy skin pale in good condition. It helps metabolize calcium and vitamin C, and that this lack of magnesium can cause depletion of calcium, kidney stones, muscle irritability, nervousness and confusion. However, the surprising fact that most people in the world (80%) is well known that in magnesium deficiency. Ticket prices are typically 143-266 mg per day - significantly lower than the recommended daily dose of 350 mg FDA. Magnesium deficiency has also brought into the development of chronic diseases such as asthma, osteoporosis and attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity in combination. Good food sources include nuts, seeds, spices, corn bran, quinoa, soy, coffee, cocoa, tea and green vegetables. It has been speculated that the reduced intake of dietary magnesium in the developed countries with higher food refining and use of modern techniques, magnesium fertilizer may be correlated. As a dietary supplement, magnesium citrate was constantly pointed out that most bioavailable, overcome oxide and amino acid chelated forms by its absorption rate. Synthetic supplements may not be included: the use of whole food supplements, to maintain an adequate level.

L-ascorbic acid

Better known as vitamin C is known, is perhaps the most popular L-ascorbic acid supplements, and has been used to treat treat the disease since the French explorer Jacques Cartier tree needles cooking Arborvitae to scurvy in 1536. The resulting tea is later shown to contain 50 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams. Like magnesium, without regular intake of vitamin C is rapidly excreted in the urine, so it is easy to inadequate without supplementation. While famous for its oranges, vitamin C content, sources are dark, but much more powerful, such as Kakadu plum, camu camu, rose hips and redcurrants Indians slowly gaining recognition are popular, as are the common sources such as black currant, pepper, parsley and guava . Animal sources of these nutrients include oysters, pork, beef, veal and chicken liver, cod roe, and as unpleasant as it sounds, the brain of lamb. The best way to maintain an appropriate level with whole food supplements.

Coenzyme Q10

Oil-soluble vitamins like substance in most plants and animals found, coenzyme Q10 is responsible for supporting the process of ATP production accounts for 95 percent of the energy of the human body. The organs with the highest standards of energy, such as liver and heart - thus requiring more co-Q10. Known for its enhancing effect on the heart muscle CoQ10 has been used to treat many forms of heart disease, although the extent of its role in energy production is not yet fully understood. It has been shown to have beneficial effects on patients with migraine, high blood pressure, gum disease and have been helping the weight loss. He is known for its ability to reduce the contraction of the thymus is known, thus preventing the weakening of the immune system that normally accompanies aging. It is also for its potential to mitigate the effects of cancer investigated.

The best dietary sources of CoQ10 sardines, mackerel, liver, beef, pork and lamb meat, eggs, spinach, broccoli, peanuts, wheat germ and whole grains. The easiest way is to get to levels with a total dietary supplement for fast absorption upright.


Though it be a stretch to say, a fiber, nutrients, food, or "fiber" is essential for healthy digestion and thus the efficiency with which all other nutrients are absorbed. Forage consists of indigestible parts of plant foods is so simple, facilitates the progress of food through the digestive tract, the bowel movement.

Good sources of fiber are vegetable seed husks of psyllium, bran flakes, beans, oats, rye, barley, prune juice, prunes, lentils, beans, quinoa, fruit, bananas, broccoli, carrots, artichokes, potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions, whole grains, wheat , corn bran, flax seeds, green beans and tomatoes.

Soluble fiber and probiotics may be beneficial in relieving the symptoms of diarrhea, constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. The FDA advises that studies have shown that "diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol and rich in fibers associated with a reduced risk of certain cancers, diabetes, digestive problems and heart disease."

Omega 3 fatty acids

The nutritionally important omega-3 fatty acids - alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) - credited to support cardiovascular health, circulation and good vision and promoting a better functioning of the brain and the immune system . DHA and EPA are of algae, which are made in sea water by fish and plankton and consumed the accumulation of large amounts of their internal organs.

The use of omega-3 fatty acids like fish oil has been shown to reduce the risk of heart attack, reduce lower blood pressure and compensate for the effects of arthritis. It also causes a decrease in LDL-cholesterol, "bad" form of cholesterol. In addition, there are some hints that will help in improving depression and anxiety. Among the cancer patients, fish oil significantly reduced tumor growth, increased survival time and patient help maintain muscle mass during the treatment. It has also reduced symptoms in people with mental illnesses such as chronic aggression and ADHD demonstrated.

The best dietary source of omega-3 is probably the fish. However, a lot of publicity fish regularly the possibility of heavy metal poisoning caused by the accumulation of toxic elements in the intestine - including mercury, lead, nickel and arsenic. However, a study showed in 2004 by the FDA that analyzed 44 popular commercial fish oils, all approved safety standards contaminants. Therefore it is recommended to health-conscious people your Omega-3 is the way - by mixing fish oil in their diet or taking supplements of gel capsules. Omega-3 supplements has become a trend in food marketing, with many companies selling everything from milk and yogurt fortified juices, eggs and noodles. Flaxseed, linseed oil, to produce, also have a very high omega-3 content, and are probably the most common source of omega-3-botanical. Other sources include Chia, kiwi, Button, cranberry, walnut, black raspberries, strawberries and broccoli. And the best way to achieve this is an exceptionally pure, cold-processed oils to take in food supplements whole.


These secondary metabolites of plants are known for their antioxidant activity. This impression may be somewhat imprecise. The massive increase in the antioxidant capacity of blood to the consumption of foods rich in flavonoids is probably due to increased uric acid levels. In essence, the body sees as foreign flavonoids, compounds of the invasion, and will do anything to eliminate them. This induces the activity of phase II enzymes that help to eliminate carcinogens. Cancer researchers at UCLA found that people who eat foods containing certain flavonoids appear to be practically immune to lung cancer. The best of them seem to strawberries, green and black tea, Brussels sprouts, apples, beans and onions, parsley, legumes, red wine, and Ginkgo biloba be. Clearly, only small amounts of flavonoids needed to see the desired results can excessive consumption into negative territory to invest. Other applications of flavonoids include the treatment of hemorrhoids bruises, and varicose veins.


Discovered by Japanese virologist at the University of Tokyo in the 1950s, interferons are signaling proteins by cells of the vertebrate immune system response to viruses, parasites and other threats produced. Reduce the immune response to viral replication, which increases the resistance to host cells infection. This is an effect that may be used for the drug interferon protective film. Interferon therapy is commonly used as a cancer therapy and the treatment and control of autoimmune diseases and multiple sclerosis.

Throughout Eastern Europe and Russia, interferon is used intranasally as an agent for prevention and treatment of viral respiratory diseases such as influenza and colds. Good sources for this material include cottage cheese and linseed oil, but the best method of ingestion is probably due to supplementation. The natural compound of the formula by the discoverer of interferon dose is recommended Shaklee created exclusive NutriFeron is 2 tablets per day. For more information, visit


It is critical to the functioning of all known organisms, iron is an essential component of hemoglobin, the compound in the blood responsible for the supply of oxygen from the lungs to other body parts. Also plays an important role in enzymatic reactions in various tissues. Iron deficiency is the most common form of malnutrition, and is more common in children and pre-menopausal women - 90% of women do not get the recommended daily amount. The result is iron deficiency anemia resulting from the merger of fatigue, disability, impaired immune function and a bright yellow, yellow, and other unpleasant diseases. Children and pregnant women often need iron supplements for optimum health.

Whole food supplements are good sources of iron are red meat, fish, poultry, tofu, beans, lentils, green leafy vegetables, peas and enriched products like bread, cereal and breakfast. In supplementary conditions, the bioavailable form of iron, which chelate with amino acids. This is often referred to as iron glycinate.

Phosphatidylcholine / lecithin

This is part of the food that is not most people. He has a difficult name, and no serious diseases associated with deficiency therein. However, the potential benefits are enormous for consumption. Think of an improved liver, brain, reproductive health and the cardiovascular system. In fact, sometimes as a nootropic drug of the efficiency improvements it can make neurotransmitters are marketed. The research shows that phosphatidyl choline is closely in mediating mood, memory and cognitive functions involved.

The most common source of this nutrient is lecithin, which can be derived from egg yolk or soy - in fact, the phosphatidylcholine component of this substance is so great that the two terms are sometimes used interchangeably. Other foods that are rich in phosphatidylcholine beef liver, beef, chicken and turkey, brewer's yeast, fish, peanuts and cauliflower.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Somnoplasty surgery: Viable option to restore obstruction free breathing

Surgery is not always the option most favorite for the doctor treating blockages in the respiratory tract. Depending on the location of the blockage, doctors initially try various therapies not interventionist to allow the patient to breathe normally. However, when all such attempts fail, surgery is imperative. If it is a question of reducing, tightening and reinforcement enlarged tissue in upper air passage, somnoplasty surgery is the only surgical option that uses the technology of energy (TCRF) FDA-approved temperature controlled radiofrequency.

What are the tissues that may be involved in this surgery?

The technology is developed by Somnus Medical Technologies. FDA approves the procedure in 1997 for the treatment of habitual snoring and upper airway resistance syndrome. Correctly reduces and strengthens the tissues of the tonsils, mass nasal; base of the tongue and palate. The procedure is particularly successful in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea when the condition is caused by deviated nasal septum. It is also performed to treat chronic nasal obstruction caused by inferior turbinate enlargement, etc.

How to perform the procedure?

The surgery consists in using a disposable electrode, also called device of Somnus warming from 158 to 176 degrees. This low level of thermal energy radio frequency penetrates the relevant sections of the tongue, throat or soft palate, depending on the site of obstruction. Heat Burns only tissues connected to obstructive muscles without damaging the external tissues. Subsequently, the body absorbs tissue trauma in a period of 3 to 8 weeks. The results of the significant volume of obstructive tissue reduction procedure.

Useful in the treatment of snoring and sleep apnea

Given that low frequency thermal energy not only burns the obstructive tissue, but that it also stiffens then, reduction of volume of tissue provides significant relief to snoring.

Septal deviation causes blockage in the passage nasal, it leads to snoring and then the sleep apnea. With the help of local or general anesthesia, this procedure can change the position and correct septum correctly, in 30 to 45 minutes, with an extra time of 5-10 minutes of heat to surrender power. The insulating sleeve at the base of the single-use electrode protects all adjacent tissues of heat damage. This significantly reduces discomfort and postoperative pain.

Why should one prefer this other surgeries?
One of the biggest benefits of this surgery is that it requires hardly any hospital stay, which is certainly in cost savings. The operation is performed in the clinic of external consultation of the surgeon that usually reports only one nights stay for control purposes. The second compelling reason for is the quality of the management of postoperative pain, discomfort and other complications.

Facilities where do these surgeries are equipped with technical and trained physicians who have the ability to maintain a constant temperature throughout the procedure, to ensure the maximum comfort for the patient. While this procedure also involves risks of inflammation, bleeding, etc., such postoperative effects are quickly brought under control by a doctor trained with the help of relevant medicines in a matter of a couple of days.

How to find doctors who can do this surgery?

Sadly, America has about 300 doctors of somnoplasty who are trained and qualified to do this type of surgery. They are essentially ENT surgeons who are trained in radio frequency ablation technology.

Internet can be a useful resource for locating these specialized surgeons. There are some sites that provide information city-wise on doctors who make surgery somnoplasty.

If you need more information about the side effects of somnoplasty, be sure to check the excellent free Douglas Kidder report somnoplasty surgery.

View the original article here

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Why do most food supplements for people not to stay healthy

They are aware of an intelligent health that he adds in the importance of using health to think about supporting the prevention of disease in human health, and you can be healthy if you're older.

Be sure to choose the brand of supplement you!

Because health supplements almost all men are far from what they contain and in their promise not to optimize your health and protect against degenerative diseases.

That is because they are manufactured with an award for companies that make supplements may not include what should be there. Instead, we compare the cheapest ingredients fully.

What should be in a vitamin supplement?

Well, first you know that vitamins and minerals should be there. However, as they most obvious ingredients, and are cheaper, I will discuss below.

The most advanced science, bio-formulated nutritional supplement with optimal levels of certain nutrients, and gender-specific management and protection against common health problems that men too often.

Some of the ingredients must always important as we get older because your body naturally produces less of them (such as L-glutathione) and for others it is just difficult enough to get them from your diet at any age.

Some plant extracts are powerful, so-called phytochemicals, and other herbal extracts (which are not obtained through the diet at all!)

It is therefore important that you have a professional quality, wide range, gender-specific dietary supplement that contains all these nutrients. (Many of which are listed on this page.)

And that's the main difference between the bulk of the market full of energy and other allowances.

As I mentioned above, health supplements, most men are largely ineffective and do not meet the demands of their respective owners.

This is because it breaks a lot and not included in many cases none of these critical nutrients other disease.

What should SUPERSTAR NUTRIENTS do able?

When it comes to vitamins for men, there are three major concerns that need to be addressed in a comprehensive manner:

• enlargement of the prostate (BPH)

• Prostate Cancer

• breasts

If your breasts!

Your testosterone level is gradually reduced once you reach your twenties.

Some men begin to treat the symptoms of this notice in their thirties, while others may not be that there is a decrease, in his 50th This is a very special situation.

Therefore, less testosterone is produced, and a substantial part of it is negative estrogen with mixed results.

Too much estrogen plays havoc with your sex life, as it has done too little testosterone!

With increasing levels of estrogen, man boobs start ("aka Man Boobs") to develop and suffer under diminished masculinity.

In fact, most men of fifty years have higher levels of estrogen in their bodies than their partners, because this phenomenon!

So, as you are to keep a healthy level of testosterone:

First To reduce the amount that is converted into estrogen,

Second To stimulate the body to increase its own production of testosterone

Chrysin INTRODUCTION - The first star ingredient for effective health supplements MAN!

Chrysin is an inhibitor of aromatase and natural bioflavonoids.

This means that the conversion of testosterone helps.

Vitamins for men should include in their formulas, chrysin, and it is important to remember to check the performance. Small forces are ineffective and a waste of money.

Chrysin research or above 90% power.

THIS SUPER SUPPLEMENTS our listing on nutrients?

Experienced together due to prostate problems by serious men, and a powerful protection from prostate team have in their care.

I'm sure you already know that prostate problems are a serious problem for men.

Did you know that before his 59th Birthday, 1 in 2 men will PBH (enlarged prostate) experience. Just consider these statistics for a moment! Every second! O 50%!

And prostate cancer is very frightening because it is one of the deadliest diseases in men and the success rate of conventional medicine cures estimated at only 20 to 30% (with many negative side effects of pharmaceutical drugs).

Therefore, they are the best nutrients to protect your prostate?

Let's start with zinc!

Find all zinc supplements for MEN'S HEALTH, but almost always as zinc citrate.

Zinc citrate is a nutrient helpful, but to be absolutely necessary, there is a generous dose of zinc aspartate.

This supplement users do not (and cannot be expected to know) is that these two different biological forms of zinc of various metabolic pathways and zinc aspartate alone, is necessary to directly to the prostate, where it will follow!

There are several other nutrients clinically established to be effective for good health of the prostate:

• Beta-sitosterol

• Extracts of corn silk

• Lycopene

• Saw Palmetto

• Resveratrol (trans form)

• Quercetin

In order to maintain protection for the prostate and the powerful practice of health care for prostate cancer and other unpleasant complications is necessary in a multi-ingredient supplement that contains all these ingredients. Not one, not two, which is the norm.

FACTS vitamins and minerals

The first thing to understand when it comes to vitamins and minerals it is that "more is not better." Apply this slogan rather than daily consumption of fresh vegetables, raw fruits.

I have evaluated hundreds of supplements and I can say that most of them responsible for many of the largest amounts of vitamins and minerals under the guise of "optimal amounts" are.

Yes, you need a supplement to provide a full range of all the vitamins and minerals other than iron is a pro-oxidant.

But still you do not need a full complement of high doses of vitamins and minerals!

Many of the best vitamin supplements are about 70 calls - 80% of the vitamins and minerals together Flights

For this, the most famous high-end products are expensive with price tags.

Unable to force manufacturers to pay him to be grossly inflated prices of cheap ingredients!

Vitamins are the cheapest ingredients for supplement manufacturers to be included.

The good old vitamin C (ascorbic acid) costs about $ 15 a kilo!

Manufacturers like 500 mg and 1000 mg or more vitamin C in a supplement to save, avoiding the main ingredients, such as some secondary plant compounds, which cost about $ 1,000 USD per kilo.

I know several well-known large dietary supplements for men in the U.S., where 40% or more of their formulas are just vitamin C!

If you're one of those that you mention a very low value for the price not on the health benefits far less.

The media were used to bomb the United States and anxiety for years with the message of "more is better" and to promote the return that high doses of certain vitamins and minerals needed for good health.

Supplement manufacturers are not easy to forget the danger that comes (stored mainly in muscle and are dangerous in the long run) by eating too much of certain fat-soluble vitamins mentioned.

Vitamins and excess water ends up in the toilet!

To view statistical tables that show deficiencies in certain vitamins, for a large percentage of the population.

I do not believe for a second, that the health-conscious men who exercise regularly and use are high-quality nutritional supplements for men among the demographics that appear in the statistics, to believe.

These statistics are mainly low wages, a diet rich in low (foods high in saturated fats / fast or processed foods and low in fiber and micronutrients) consume and cannot afford or additions are not interested in their midst.

Vitamins and minerals must be there to help with lower doses primarily as cofactors for other essential ingredients and a little bit of what you're away from your diet. If a deficiency is diagnosed, then you can add in extra time.

The health-conscious man like you, and adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals, but not enough.

What would you do in your supplement?

Requires a wide range of ingredients efficious of all different types of nutrients. This allows maximum protection against pollution and toxins from the environment of life, especially the increased levels of free radicals to enjoy.

• Phytonutrients

• Extracts from medicinal plants

• Antioxidants

• Amino Acids

• Enzymes

• The cofactors

• Trace elements

• Accommodation and nutrients / li>

• Immunity Enhancers

Remember to compare supplements only clearly classify the ingredients in this type of security. I would be like comparing apples to apples.

Make sure the power settings and metering quantities of the ingredients are listed and all. If not, ask yourself "why" is not important, information is collected?

If the powers and the dosages are good, then the manufacturer will be absolutely sure you know about this.

Beware of companies that hide behind information on the ingredients of "ownership" of the header information. This always raises a red flag for me.

One of the most important ingredients are the improvement of immunity.

This is because good health starts with a strong immune system is your first line of defense against cancer and other deadly diseases.

The men most effective nutritional supplements for health contains the nutrients most powerful immunity (and proven).

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Gestational Diabetes causes - Leads to, Signs and symptoms, as well as Treatments regarding Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes causes come about while pregnant in a woman. It always happens to a non-diabetic girl. Diabetes is usually caused due to lack of blood insulin within our entire body, whenever our glucose levels raises. They may also Type 2 Diabetes Causes even more. Even though, women suffering from this disease creates sufficient the hormone insulin, but because of blockage through additional tissues in the body while pregnant may possibly enhance the blood glucose amounts within our physique.

This disease could cause unhealthy weight to the little one who is given birth to to some gestational diabetic mommy. The child could also suffer from Type 2 diabetes further.

Causes, Symptoms And also Remedies Of Gestational Diabetic issues

Reasons for Gestational diabetes causes-

This problem might be anatomical often. They're largely seen in the family historical past. They also come from the past being pregnant and may be seen the next pregnancy too. A great overweight girl is mainly vulnerable to this particular dysfunction. If you're offering a young child following 30s, you might suffer from gestational diabetes mellitus. A brief history regarding giving birth matters a lot. Delivery of huge infant earlier could cause this problem during your pregnancy period.

The signs of Gestational diabetes causes:

Experiencing we become parched; fatigue, blurred vision and also frequent urination are the signs and symptoms of Gestational diabetic issues.

Treatments-In order to keep your glucose amounts, you ought to have proper diet. You need to reduce your current sugars absorption. It may be incredibly unsafe for your body. You should consume green vegetables and whole fruits to avoid this ailment. You can occupy simple exercises. Ingesting adequate drinking water can be extremely beneficial for the body. It retains the body replenished with water.

You may also change your diet plan in order to stop this ailment. You can inject the hormone insulin topically if needed. It is always better to seek advice from a doctor before taking these types of measures.